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    Psychological Burnout of Kung Fu sport trainers in Jordan


    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2009-12-06

    Psychological Burnout of Kung Fu sport trainers in Jordan Empty Psychological Burnout of Kung Fu sport trainers in Jordan

    Post  Admin Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:27 am

    An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities (B) ISSN: 1727-8449
    Volume 23 , Issue 2 , 2009, Pages: 475 - 495

    Psychological Burnout of Kung Fu sport trainers in Jordan
    Raid Al-Ragad
    Received : 21-04-2008 , Accepted : 23-02-2009
    Language: Arabic


    This study aims at being acquainted with psychological Burnout level of Kung Fu sport trainers in Jordan and effect of training grade and the experience on Psychological Burnout level. This study applied on all trainers (62) trainers selected by using descriptive curriculum as it is compatible for the study nature. The questionnaire included 15 paragraphs, which were subject to credit and stability coefficient. Upon statistical analysis, the study results indicated that Psychological Burnout grade for Kung Fu trainers came within fair grade of Psychological Burnout. As for the training and experience grade variable, there for the less experience and less degree trainers are the most Psychological Burnout. The researcher recommends that it is necessary to assure importance of preparing the trainer physically and psychologically and in knowledge and to hold qualifying and training courses to be protected against Psychological Burnout phenomenon of the trainer.

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