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    An Evaluation of the Authentic Socio Cultural Elements in the Prescribed English Language Textbooks of the Secondary Schools in Jordan


    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2009-12-06

    An Evaluation of the Authentic Socio Cultural Elements in the Prescribed English Language Textbooks of the Secondary Schools in Jordan Empty An Evaluation of the Authentic Socio Cultural Elements in the Prescribed English Language Textbooks of the Secondary Schools in Jordan

    Post  Admin Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:30 am

    An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities (B) ISSN: 1727-8449
    Volume 23 , Issue 1 , 2009, Pages: 289- 324

    An Evaluation of the Authentic Socio Cultural Elements in the Prescribed English Language Textbooks of the Secondary Schools in Jordan
    Ahmad Bataineih
    Departement of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching, College of Education, AL-albay University, Jordan
    Received : 05-03-2008 , Accepted : 28-01-2009
    Language: English


    This study deals with using authentic English in the English language textbooks of the secondary schools in Jordan. Unfortunately, few studies have been conducted in Jordan concerning this issue though the interest in it has been for a long time at world – wide level (Wilkins, 1967; Lado 1975 and Brooks, 1964). As a result the researcher intends to carry out an investigation of this through content analysis to find out the amount of authentic cultural aspects in the prescribed textbooks of English at the secondary level in comparison with the unauthentic aspects. For the sake of carrying out the present study and fulfilling its aims, the following hypothesis is proposed: “Foreign language syllabuses of English for the secondary schools in Jordan are basically based or unauthentic socio-cultural elements”. A number of procedures have been adopted to achieve this aim and to confirm the supposed hypotheses: a) identifying the authentic socio-cultural elements depending on the available sources. B) Adopting Brooks’ well- Known list of authentic socio- cultural references as a tool of analysis. C) Analyzing the content of the Jordanian English texbooks on the basis of authenticity and antificiality. As a result, of the detailed analysis and the thorough discussions of authenticity and artificiality in both books, it is possible to say that English language textbooks for the secondary schools in Jordan are basically based on the local culture of the learners, while the authentic culture of the English Language community is ignored. This could be an indirect suggestion for textbooks writers to take such a fact into consideration the time they sit to decide the content of the foreign language syllabuses, in the sense that it should be based on authentic material of real life situations. Additionally, the socio cultural content of a foreign language syllabus should be up- to date because an out date content neither contributes to real understanding, nor is it an adequate guide to genuine communication in the foreign language being taught. Therefore, it has been recommended that the teacher should reject these cliches and introduce instead authentic ideas and concepts of the foreign culture within the appropriate words and expressions in which they are usually expressed.

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