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    Educational Supervisors’ practices in Government Schools in Palestinian Northern Governorates as Perceived by (male and female) Teachers


    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2009-12-06

    Educational Supervisors’ practices in Government Schools in Palestinian Northern Governorates as Perceived by (male and female) Teachers Empty Educational Supervisors’ practices in Government Schools in Palestinian Northern Governorates as Perceived by (male and female) Teachers

    Post  Admin Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:23 am

    An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities (B) ISSN: 1727-8449
    Volume 23 , Issue 3 , 2009, Pages: 783 - 804

    Educational Supervisors’ practices in Government Schools in Palestinian Northern Governorates as Perceived by (male and female) Teachers
    Hassan Tayyem
    Received : 25-11-2008 , Accepted : 16-03-2009
    Language: Arabic


    This study aimed at determining the status que of educational practices used by the educational supervisors as perceived by teachers (males and females) in the schools of northern governorates in Palestine. The sample of this study consisted of (391) teachers (males and females) chosen randomly from four governorates: Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqeelia, and Jenin. The researcher developed a questionnaire for collecting data and the SPSS were used for data analysis. The results of the study indicated that the status que of supervisory practices in these schools were weak. The results, also, showed that there were significant differences on the supervisory practices due to the variables: scientific qualification, instructional grade, a place of residence, while were no differences due to variables: sex and experience. In the light of the study results, the following recommendations for improving supervisors' practices in the northern governorates in Palestine were considered such as: continuous training for educational supervisors, reduce the administrative overuse, improving the criteria of choosing educational supervisors, the possibility of performing similar studies in the other governorates and performing similar studies of different variables.

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