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    The Role of Information Technologies in Enhancing the Teaching of Accounting at the Jordanian Universities


    Posts : 95
    Join date : 2009-12-06

    The Role of Information Technologies in Enhancing the Teaching of Accounting at the Jordanian Universities Empty The Role of Information Technologies in Enhancing the Teaching of Accounting at the Jordanian Universities

    Post  Admin Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:02 am

    An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities (B) ISSN: 1727-8449
    Volume 22 , Issue 2 , 2008, Pages: 0543-0568

    The Role of Information Technologies in Enhancing the Teaching of Accounting at the Jordanian Universities
    Eman Al-Hanini
    Received : 02-12-2006 , Accepted : 27-02-2008
    Language: Arabic


    This study aims at recognizing the role information technologies play in enhancing the teaching of Accounting at the Jordanian universities. To that effect, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the study sample consisting of 170 respondents, 20 of which are either instructors of ‘Computer Applications in the Field of Accounting’ or instructors who use computer in the teaching of accounting courses, and the remaining are 150 female and male students who study Accounting at the Jordanian universities. The analysis of the questionnaire’s items using the statistical method SPSS resulted in that computer use in the teaching of Accounting contributes to increasing Jordanian universities students’ awareness and understanding of accounting concepts and terms, helps develop Jordanian universities students’ ability to implement accounting procedures. In addition, the teaching of Accounting through computer contributes to preparing students to the labor market after graduation, and developing students’ skills and abilities through helping them to rely on themselves. There are many problems facing the issue of information technologies’ use in the teaching of Accounting. Those problems include: inadequacy and oldness of equipment, lack of necessary labs for training students in the free time, students’ lack of basic computer skills, and incompatibility between accounting software students use in training and the software practically applied. Finally, the electronic web use in the teaching of Accounting for Jordanian universities’ students provides students with many opportunities to research and explore the up-to-dates in the Accounting science.

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